Test Bank For Mosbys Pharmacy Technician 3rd Edition by Teresa Hopper

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Test Bank For Mosbys Pharmacy Technician 3rd Edition by Teresa Hopper

Hopper: Mosby’s Pharmacy Technician, 3rd EditionChapter 2: Pharmacy Federal Laws and RegulationsTRUE/FALSE1. The definition of confidentiality is to keep privileged information about a customer from being disclosed without his or her consent. ANS: TThe definition of confidentiality is to keep privileged information about a customer from being disclosed without his or her consent. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 33NAT: Module 15 IO 29.1.2 (Comprehension) Explain patient confidentiality issues related to data collection, transmission, and storage by pharmacy information systems and by electronic medical records.  | IO 29.1.1 (Comprehension) Explain situations in which the pharmacy  | technician must be aware and observant of the confidentiality of  | patient information. 2.There are no safeguards to protect patient information via the computer. ANS: FThere are several safeguards in place that help to protect electronically transmitted patient information. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 33NAT: Module 15 IO 29.1.2 (Comprehension) Explain patient confidentiality issues related to data collection, transmission, and storage by pharmacy information systems and by electronic medical records.  | IO 29.1.1 (Comprehension) Explain situations in which the pharmacy  | technician must be aware and observant of the confidentiality of  | patient information. 3. Having corrections added to your health information is a right of the patient. ANS: THave corrections been added to your health information? PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 34NAT: Module 15  | OBJ 21.2 (Comprehension) Explain some typical adaptations made indirect patient care plans to accommodate diversity. 4.As a technician you may provide a patient’s personal or medical information to anyone who is a member of your family. ANS: FAccording to HIPAA the pharmacy technician cannot do the following:• Provide any personal or medical information pertaining to the patient to any entity not covered under HIPAA rules and regulations.• Share any information with any family member or friend, co-worker, manager, or any entity not covered under HIPAA rules and regulations. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 34NAT: Module 15 IO 29.1.2 (Comprehension) Explain patient confidentiality issues related to data collection, transmission, and storage by pharmacy information systems and by electronic medical records.  | IO 29.1.1 (Comprehension) Explain situations in which the pharmacy  | technician must be aware and observant of the confidentiality of  | patient information. 5.The Drug Addiction Treatment Act prohibits physicians from prescribing controlled substances. ANS: FThe Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 permits physicians to prescribe controlled substances (preapproved by the DEA) in schedules C-III, C-IV, or C-V to persons suffering from opioid addiction, for the purpose of maintenance or detoxification treatments. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 36NAT: Module 25  | OBJ 15.2 (Comprehension) Explain the programs currently in place for reporting medication misadventures on a global and institutional level. 6.Medicare has a long history, starting in 1965. ANS: TMedicare has had a long history, starting in 1965. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 36NAT: [none] 7.Until 2000 the drug pseudoephedrine was sold OTC as a decongestant and was not limited in quantity for purchase by the consumer. ANS: FUntil 2004 the drug pseudoephedrine was sold OTC as a decongestant and was not limited in quantity for purchase by the consumer. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 36NAT: [none] 8.Two government agencies that are important with respect to pharmacy are the FDA and DEA. ANS: TTwo government agencies that are important with respect to pharmacy are the FDA and DEA. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 38NAT: [none] 9.In 1972 the Drug Listing Act was implemented under the authority of the DEA. ANS: FIn 1972 the Drug Listing Act was implemented under the authority of the FDA. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 38NAT: [none] 10.Opioids are stimulants that have no addictive potential. ANS: FControlled substances such as barbiturates, opioids, benzodiazepines, and central nervous system stimulants are substances that are addictive and have a potential to be abused. PTS: 1 DIF: 1 (Knowledge) REF: p. 41NAT: Module 2  | IO 34.5.3 (Comprehension) Explain the therapeutic effects of prescription medications, nonprescription medications, and  alternative therapies commonly used to treat diseases of the nervous system.


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